WiFi Chip

Excl. TAX  37.19
Incl. 21 % TAX  45.00

While DECT phones are most dangerous to your health, WiFi comes as a second in the ranking because it transmits harmful radiation 24 hours a day. The GDM45SI40 has been specifically designed for (wireless) WiFi routers and notebooks with WLAN, as well as internet through the mains (DLAN). With routers: stick the chip to the casing, preferrably close to the power input. With notebooks: stick the chip to the center of the bottom. To treat a DLAN system, one chip is needed on each device: one at the source (router) and one at the destination (computer). If you own a „smart“ meter, we strongly advise you to attach this chip to your meter. The dimensions are 40x26x0.8 mm / 1.57×1.02×0.03 inch.

Note that this chip won’t affect the range your WiFi device is able to cover.

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